Blogger Reviews of Casino Royale, A Poker Movie Starring Eva Green
We've yet to see Casino Royale but full-time, pro blogger and woman-about-world, Jen Leo, who's got new online digs over at, saw the new, poker-imbued, Bond flick over the weekend and said she loved it.
"It was a great movie and the audience clapped at the end," Leo remarked. "Quality Hollywood entertainment with a twist."
And while we love Ms. Leo like a kissable (on the lips) step-sister, it's worth noting that we're disappointed that she accompanied her post with a blatantly sexist photo of Daniel Craig in nothing more than his bathing suit, clearly giving into societal inclinations of objective iconization of the male physique for the mere sake of "eye candy" glorification. Really disappointing.
For a certainly less sexist review, albeit compendiary in its summation, read the review of Casino Royale by this poker blogger, who is apparently some sort of honorary baronet or possibly a knight, like Isaac Newton or Mick Jagger.
Photo above is of Eva Green (properly dressed) in a scene from Casino Royale, and yeh it's a fucking slow news day here.
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Posted by: sumsun | March 13, 2008 at 02:30 AM