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Friday Night Parting Shot: Ariadne Artiles

Artiles_gqspain3The name Ariadne Artiles sounds more like a muscle you'd pull playing basketball than an absurdly gorgeous, brown-eyed, 24-year-old, Spanish/Venezuelan supermodel we swear is hotter than Gisele Bundchen, but unusual names have somewhat been par for the course for Friday Night Parting Shot Girls. Olga Kurylenko, Doutzen Kroes and Raica Oliveira to name a few.

It's like, remember in Anchorman when Ron Burgundy said: "Oh, I'm storming your castle on my steed, me lady." And Veronica Cornerstone responded in Spanish saying: "Oh, mi corazón. Es en fuego! Julio, fuego, fuego, fuego!" To which Ron replied, "Wait, stop. Stop talking like that. I can't understand you."

Well that has nothing to do with this, but it made us laugh a lot.

Ok, after the jump, loads of photos of Ariadne Artiles and a video of her in a Spanish Axe commercial. Oh, and if you missed our last Friday Night Parting Shot Girl, Melissa Theuriau, do yourself a favor and acquaint yourself. She just may be the most bea-u-ti-ful girl in the world, besides our current/first wives that is. We love ya sweet honey bunnies.





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you kidding? our wives would kill us if they knew about this site.


If your wife is better, please post pictures of them next week on the parting shots.

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