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Keeley Hazell Does Christina, Kiley and Britney Like a Champ

Keeley_does_kileyWe have to admit that when we first heard that Keeley Hazell, the Official Wicked Chops Poker Girl of 2006, had done a photo shoot in which she acted out raunchy videos of famous pop stars like Christina Aguilera, Kiley Minogue, and Britney Spears (who may or may not have a sex tape - ridiculously NSFW), it was kind of spooky. Like someone had read our dirty minds at their most perverted moment, well except that they missed the whole monkeys and midgets on the bed bit as Michael Jackson sang "Thriller" in the corner of the room next to poodles jumping through flaming hoops while President Bush and his cabinet, sans Rumsfeld, were dressed as cheerleaders and cheered us on wildly like we were a football team about to score from the one yard line, except this wasn't football we were playing, this was sex...with Keeley Hazell...and with monkeys and midgets on the bed.

But yeh, Keeley did a series of shoots in which she acted out raunchy videos of famous pop stars, and you can see one of the videos after the jump. Think Christina a la 'Dirty' but Keeley and topless. Also, see wallpapers of Keeley doing Kiley, so to speak, over at Zoo Weekly. Keeley looks really pretty. Really. She's so pretty.

P.S. File this under "Reasons Why We Could Never Run for Political Office."

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Kid Dynamite

holy cow... well reported boys.

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