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Friday Night Parting Shot: Savannah (Redux)

Savannah_wcptankA few weeks ago, we heard from one of our favorite FNPS Girls, Savannah, or as you may recall, the 20-year-old, blonde-hair, brown-eyed, cowboy boot wearin' Georgia girl with "a fluffy little bunny named Peaches."

"Love you guys!! :)," Savannah commented over at the Wicked Chops Poker MySpace page, along with a photo of her wearing a limited edition Wicked Chops Poker tank (seen at right).

We then ventured over to her MySpace page (when in Rome) to see what's new and noticed that she had done a recent photo shoot that was, shall we say, a bit a helluva lot more daring (read: absurdly hot/sexy/borderline uncomfortable for a married man to look at) than the much more innocent ones we first posted.

So, with her blessing, after the jump are a slew of new photos (borderline NSFW) of Savannah, who, it's worth noting, does the animal print thing and look from behind pose like a frickin' champ, among other things.


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Too funny, Wayne. But no, we actually know Savannah, very sweet girl, and she doesn't have a webcam or website. Yet.


Are you guys sure she isn't just trying to get you to come to her webcam? I get these all the time on myspace, turns out these chicks really want money and not my friendship. It hurt a little at 1st, but now I know where they stand. By the way, they will talk to you after you give them a couple hundred.

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