Before Keeley There Was April
It's a little known fact that April Scott (that's her above, go ahead, don't read anymore, just click the banner to see more of April) is the first girl we posted a photo of here at Wicked Chops Poker that had absolutely nothing to do with poker. Or put another way, without April Scott, there may have never been a Keeley Hazell, or at the least, thousands of people hitting our site yesterday and today looking for a link to Keeley's sex tape would be left wandering around the so-called Internet with absolutely nowhere to go, except for the thousands of other sites also linking to Keeley's sex tape.
Not to get all spiritual here but thank God there is an April Scott. She does exist. And if faith isn't enough for you, posted 12 photos of April Scott in lingerie today as proof.
And to that we say "Hallelujah!"
OK, that makes me feel better in the wake of the Neteller news.
Posted by: Francase | January 17, 2007 at 08:28 PM