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Friday Night Parting Shot: Denise Pernula + Lauren Boiros

Rawvegas_0173_editIt only seems fitting that we have RawVegas.tv's Denise Pernula and Lauren Boiros as this week's Friday Night Parting Shot Girls. They're both incredibly hot, sexy, smart and super cool.

But more importantly, it's fitting because someone over at the Raw Vegas office just e-mailed us a half dozen or so photos of the two pruriently posing together, and they say "Friday Night Parting Shot" like nothing else we've seen. Literally. As in, in the "subject" of the e-mail it says: "Friday Night Parting Shot."

And while we could tell you all about how the blonde-hair Denise is a UNLV grad with acting credits that include CSI: Vegas and movies like Rock Balboa and that brunette Lauren had roles in movies like Ocean's Eleven and Rush Hour 2, why waste your time. You already know that. Because we just told you.

Plus you can read more about the two over at their page on the RawVegas.tv. That is, when you're done "looking at" their photos both there and, say it with us now, "after the jump."





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Kid Dynamite

please post a vid of the ladies on the mechanical bull ASAP.. your viewers demand it.

Kid Dynamite

good lord

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