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The Sky Is Falling (Maybe): Arrests of Lefebvre and Lawrence Had Everything to do with Neteller

Mike_1The complaints against NETeller founders John Lefebvre and Stephen Lawrence were unsealed this afternoon, and we now know that they are being charged with conspiring to transfer funds (money laundering) with the intent to promote illegal gambling (by starting and operating NETeller), and face a maximum of 20 years in the clink.

According to U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia, (photo at right, or is that Dermot Mulroney?), when Lawrence and Lefebvre helped take NETeller public in 2004, they "conceded that they were risking prosecution by the government of the United States under existing or future federal laws."

Garcia continued in a statement, "Blatant violations of U.S. law are not a mere `risk' to be disclosed to prospective investors. Criminal prosecutions related to online gambling will be pursued even in cases where assets and defendants are positioned outside of the United States."

Fuck. Shit. Damn.

Read more about the U.S. governments charges against Lefebvre and Lawrence and some initial analysis in the articles listed after the jump:

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So how is it that Doyle and Jesus are still walking around with no handcuffs?

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