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This is complete $&%*@ @#@&%$, Says Bluff Publisher

Ericmorris_useEric Morris, the dwarf-fearing, Atlanta-based publisher of Bluff Magazine, which if you didn't know features a monthly page or two of shitter-quality material written by us, on the shitter, is pretty fired up and chapped like a Detroit hooker on a bike in December, if that makes sense, about what's going on with the U.S. government's war on Internet gaming.

In a chat with Gambling911.com's Christopher Costigan, Eric became unhinged while talking about the latest news, delivering a delicious, profanity-imbued rant we only wished was videotaped for YouTube consumption or perhaps, to pimp RawVegas.tv, a "Raw Perspectives" piece (with "jazz hands" and all).

Some milder excerpts from the rant include:

"Pretty soon OUR elected officials, who are paid from OUR taxes, can now dictate what we can and can't do. Where will it end? Can the Government tell us what we can buy on EBAY, or which adult sites we can visit, or perhaps tell us the type of man or woman we can solicit if we engage in online dating?"


"OUR county is more communist then that of Russia. We live in a fascist regime where it is ok to play the lottery, bet on the ponies and dob a bingo card, because our Govt can once again control their cut of the pie."

For the complete rant, check out the full piece at Gambling911.com.

It's worth noting that Bluff has also announced that its February issue will list its 20 Most Powerful People and Organizations in Poker, and while Doyle Brunson topped the list last year, their press release suggests they may be going in the "Hitler as Man of the Year" direction for this year's numero uno. From the release:

"This Year's Number One is an organization that has left an indelible mark on the future of the game and on the way the game of will be played and has unearthed dark questions of human freedom and individual choice. There is little doubt that the new almighty has had a profound influence on the game of poker, and its up to you to decide how it effects you."

You can read the entire press release here.

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general consensus here is all politicians suck. and deserved to be pissed on, unless they're into that, because why give them the pleasure.


Republicans should get all the grief you can dish out for what they did. But many seem to forget well over half of the Democratic caucus voted for the act as well.

In fact, with 216 votes needed for passage, only 201 Republicans voted for the bill. Enough good Republicans defected that if Democrats cared enough to vote against this bill, it would have never passed.

So, piss on the Republicans who voted for this bill. But piss on the Democrats who did too.

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