Calvin Ayre is a Blogger
Calvin Ayre, the billionaire gaming and entertainment mogul and step-brother of Cooter Ayre, has just entered the fray of CEOs with blogs, launching Ayre Waves on January 31, 2007.
On the scope of his blog, Ayre says, "In this space, you will find my thoughts on a wide range of topics related to the endeavors of Entertainment, as well as the ongoing initiatives of the Calvin Ayre Foundation."
While we're not ones to tell people what we "think" as much as we are ones to tell people what we "really think," we won't say much about Calvin's blog right now as its just one-post new but we will suggest that he use his blog in the same way blogging maverick/CEO Mark Cuban uses his blog, by speaking freely, with total candor as he gives us greater insight into the man in charge as well as sharing his perspectives on important issues that affect his industry and beyond; and less about pitching Bodog ventures.
Or maybe just post lots of pictures of Bodog Girls parading around his Antigua compound in next-to-nothing swimwear.
Also Calvin, be sure to check out marketing guru Seth Godin's post on Blogging while CEO-ing as well as click through to some of the other articles on the matter below his post.
For the Top 10 CEO blogs according to Mario Sundar of Marketing Nirvana, look here.
Finally, for some stupidly rich, insanely handsome, pathetically well-endowed and all-around sleezy dudes who get thousands of hits to their site every day from people looking for naked pics of Keeley Hazell, check out this blog. It's our fave.
I doff my cap to you chaps for that link!
Pip Pip!
Posted by: El Gordo | February 09, 2007 at 01:10 PM