Calls BS on Rumors of Brunson Bust
If there's another thing we know, all rumors are true unless the rumor is not reported by, which in that case it may or not be true but more likely it is not than it is, and so when we did not see reporting on the rumor of Doyle Bruson's arrest, we were left trying to figure out the logic of what we just said.
Well now, the online gambling news site famous for breaking stories and throwing Super Bowl parties in which its reporters get naked and make out with other chicks is calling rumors of Doyle's arrest "a lot of hooey."
According to a spokesperson for who talked to, "As far as we know, Doyle is at home sleeping in his bed. Don't quote me on any of that but we have someone going over to his house to check on him."
Read the rest of the story over at
Photo above of Doyle Brunson, Jenny Woo and some hot chicks courtesy of