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Jen Graham in a Wicked Chops Poker Tank Makes for a Good Post

Jengraham1_1Past Friday Night Parting Shot Girl and FOWCP Jen Graham (seen here prancing around in her Wicked Chops Poker tank and permanently seen on the right of this page in a bikini) is having the official Los Angeles screening for her film Dark World tonight. Graham, who is still currently a law student in Alabama and appeared in a short film with Mo Rocca this past summer, plays a teen-gone-missing named Grace in the film noir flick that may or may not be an Oscar contender come next year.

We unfortunately don't touch down in Los Angeles until early next week so we won't be able to meet up with Jen at her premiere, but if you're in town, stop on by and tell her we sent you. Details for the premiere tonight after the jump.

: Thursday February 22nd, 2007. The show starts at 8pm but be there at around 7:30 to ensure seating. The film runs 95 minutes.

: The Raleigh Studios (Chaplin Theater), 5300 Melrose Ave. (east of Vine, opposite the Paramount Studios), LA 90038. Parking is available on the street or on the lot for $5.

Exit Vine in Hollywood. South to Melrose. Left on Melrose. Right on Van Ness.

Entering thru the Van Ness gates, you will see stage #2 at the back. Go to it, then turn left. Continue walking until you see stage #9 on your left. The Chaplin theater is on your right.

: www.DarkWorld-Movie.com

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