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April Scott as Daisy Duke Makes for a Good Post

April Scott is a longtime Wicked Chops Poker fave for a number of reasons, six of which you can view here or head over to GorillaMask.net for these 12 reasons, and so we're proud to show you the best and only 30 seconds worth watching from her new film Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning, which went straight to DVD ABC Family, which means this video is totally NSFW, if you're a Muslim, Mormon or Mennonite.

After the jump, a few shots of April as Daisy and one of April with fellow Friday Night Parting Shot Girl, Miss USA Tara Conner, who we'd still bang despite the bangs.


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April is a great model ad actress. I am waiting for new movie with her in 2012

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April Scott is an American actress and model.She has appeared on television programs such as Deal.She also starred in the direct-to-video prequel to the Dukes of Hazzard movie.I would give her some medicine to help fight her anorexia.The medicine is high in protien and is delicious.

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Terry B. Stewart
79 Canis Heights Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90007


Sweet Jeebus, what the hell was this even about?

Watched that video and blacked out. So much hotter than Simpson as Daisy.

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