Guess What Famous Poker Player This Is
Hint: Despite the spectacular breasts, it isn't J.C. Tran.
Answer/photos after the jump. . .
Full-time pokerer/occasional actress Jennifer Tilly and her breasts, which both surprisingly turn 50 next year, wore this plastic shower curtain/couch cover/see-through in the wrong places get-up to the grand opening this weekend of The Palms' new Pearl Concert Theatre in Las Vegas.
Congrats by the way to Tilly and her cinematic gal pal Gina Gershon for having their fingeriffic lesbiana scene in Bound chosen today as the #1 Mainstream Movie Lesbian Scene by Daily Top 10.
Link to video here.
50?! Really??? Laak is a lucky SOB
Posted by: TheChef | April 23, 2007 at 05:01 PM