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Jennicide Does FHMonline.com Spread

JennicidefhmonlineOnline poker player Jennifer "Jennicide" Leigh recently did a photo shoot for the folks at FHMonline.com in a black teddy get-up.

You can view the entire 4-page spread here or you can watch a video of a cow ninja kicking the crap out someone.

Really it's your choice. The Internet's fun like that.

UPDATE: We missed the accompanying Jennicide video at FHMonline.com. Actually it's better than the photos. Check it out here, after you watch the cow clip.

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You guys above got that right.

She is a nice looking girl, but that's it. She's a 2-7 offuit compared to Keely's pocket Aces. The reason "Jennicide" (dumb name, I might add) is even noticed is because poker ios devoid of women, let alone good looking ones. Really, outside of Liz Lieu, none of the famous regulars (I don't consider Joanna Krupa a regular, or she'd be on my short list too) make me stand up and notice. We all here play in the casinos, and if you thought about it, how many times have you seen losers at the table get worked up when a woman joins the table, even when that broad is nothing to write home about? You'll notice that the next time it happens now that I mentioned it, that's for sure.

I all can say is that she is good for Brandon Cantu, who could never have gotten a decent broad without his poker winnings and WSOP bracelet (and only a girl who respects it for that matter, like Jen does). She's decent for his expectations, not mine.

Oh, and by the way, 2 weeks ago at Sandia in New Mexico I got slowed-rolled by a lady much hotter than Jennicide. Now, if she were in FHM, I'd be interested.


I'm a pirate.


But could the ninja cow take out a pirate?


I didn't think we offered any commentary on the photos except to give you the option of watching the video of a cow instead. I think Jennicide's photos speak for themselves and when this went up we were sapped of energy to lay into Ms. Leigh who really should lay off the sexy image thing because it ain't workin' for her, or at least for us and obviously not you. And yeh it was a piss poor way to end a day of posts that featured Keeley and Aida...but at least you had that to turn to, as well as the cow.


You guys have to be kidding. JL is a true buttahface and her photo shoot is not very good. Then I saw the video (muted) and her facial ticks and trying-to-be-oh-so-sexy facial expressions come off as semi-retarded.

My verdict - Ninja Cow!

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