Stupid Poker Criminals Hall of Fame: The Poker Palace
Every Day Is An Opening Day, Unless You Run a Poker Joint in Atlanta
As points out today, when it comes to covering poker news in our own backyard we're slackers.
We suppose we don't feel as tied to the happenings around Atlanta anywhere near as much as the Pokerati-ers do with the Texas poker scene. And truth be told, one of us lives in Vegas now (the only native Atlantan of the entities) and the rest of us travel so frequently that we probably should worry about our current/first wives turning Rhowena on us, that is if we weren't so impossibly handsome, stupidly rich and amazingly good lovers. Seriously, when it comes to love-making talent, it's like our wives winning the PowerBall, MegaMillions and The Big Game, all on the same day, each and every single day (or at least when we are in town).
So yes, we're slacking on coverage of the two big busts in Atlanta this past week, one involving a home game in Roswell with 27 players, including former WCW pro wrestler Glen "Disco Inferno" Gilberti, and another involving 52 players, including a magistrate judge, at a strip center store called the "Poker Palace" in Jonesboro, which is about 20 miles away from anywhere we like to be when in Atlanta.
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[Editor's Note: The greater part of this post has been deleted due to the fact that it contained endless and ruthless slagging of the key people involved with the Poker Palace, including Mike Adams and Norman "Big Cat" Earl, and it formally inducted them into the Wicked Chops Poker Stupid Poker Criminals Hall of Fame. Seriously, it was some good stuff. But since these fellas are involved in organized crime and live in our backyard, our lawyers, current/first wives, bodyguards and Jiu-Jitsu instructors all suggested that we refrain from posting such content. We recommend though reading this story in the Clayton News Daily and and this story at and you can pretty much guess the tone of what we said. We also want to remind everyone that people are innocent until proven guilty, unless of course they are Middle Eastern looking, which in that case they are more likely than not terrorists.]
"The paid-for meal, on one of the detectives’ visit, was Kentucky Fried Chicken, cole slaw, potato salad and Colt 45 malt liquor."
You can't even write fiction that funny. And I don't think we'd even try. Maybe we'll call Fuzzy Zoeller and see what he thinks.
Posted by: ThePokerBiz | April 12, 2007 at 02:32 PM
I actually thought they might try to pass themselves off as poker instructors until I saw the "other" give away. Must be 18 to enter on the front door.
Nice post, snake?
Posted by: Michele Lewis | April 12, 2007 at 01:06 PM