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2007 WSOP Tournament Updates: Negreanu, E-Dog, Hellmuth, Boyer, Phan + Brenes

Danielnegreanuwsoppoker:: One of the big stories today is Event #21 ($1,500 NLH Shoot-Out), where Erick Lindgren and Daniel Negreanu (seen in pic pulling his) face off for a bracelet. The two good friends compete against seven other runners, all stacked at 300,000. Lindgren is looking for his first bracelet. Yesterday, he told Lance at thepokerbiz.com that he plans to, "Stay in the moment, focus, and with this frickin’ bracelet man."

:: A woman actually did win the Ladies Only Event, as Sally Boyer of Midway, Utah, banked over $260k. Congrats to our good friends over at the WSOP Academy, the best damn poker camp that has ever bought us dinner, as Boyer went from being one of their students just a day before this event to a World Champion bracelet holder, besting the largest ladies only field in tournament poker history.

:: The final table is set for Event #19 ($2,500 NLH). Lars Bonding is the chip leader, stacked at 882,000. Also at the final table, stacked at 445,000, is John "The Razor" Phan (click here for his interview in the RawVegas.tv Daily News) and the insufferably annoying (yet...dare we say...amazingly consistent) Humberto Brenes (343,000).

:: After plowing through 11 bottles of Dom (at a cost of nearly $10k), Phil Hellmuth was back to talk about his WSOP record 11th bracelet. Watch his vlog below.

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Good to see Phil hogging the mike. Sheesh. Even when conducting an interview with someone else, it's still all about him. Gotta love him.

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