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Daniel Negreanu Joins Team PokerStars, FullContactPoker.com Merges with PokerStars.com

DanielnegreanuwsopIt's official. After much chatter for several weeks on online forums and poker news sites, Daniel Negreanu and PokerStars.com have finally reached an agreement on terms and announced today that the three-time WSOP bracelet winner, two-time WPT champion and one-time Canadian has joined Team PokerStars. One of poker's most successful tournament pros, Negreanu joins the online poker site's already impressive stable of players that includes Greg Raymer, Joe Hachem, Chris Moneymaker, Barry Greenstein, Isabelle Mercier, Vanessa Ruosso, Victor Ramdin and Humberto Brenes, who if we failed to mention it before is insufferably annoying.

As part of the deal, Negreanu's online poker site FullContactPoker.com has transfered all of its players' balances to PokerStars.com and announced that it will cease its poker and casino operations and return to its roots as a forum-based poker community (for the message sent to all Full Contact Poker players about the merger, continue after the jump below).

Negreanu, who is huge in Belgium thanks to his almost-daily video diaries from the 2007 WSOP on RawVegas.tv, will hold a press conference today at the Rio Pavillion to make the announcement about the announcement that has already been made.

Expect to see an exclusive video from Daniel Negreanu on the PokerStars announcement later today at RawVegas.tv.

In related news, Wicked Chops Poker announced today that Amanda Braun is the latest Russian hottie we'd like to совокупляться the crap out of.

To: All FCP Depositing and Non-depositing Players

After much thought and consideration, Full Contact Poker has decided that it is in the best interest of its poker players to merge with one of the industry’s top poker sites, PokerStars.com. As part of this merger, all FCP player balances (cash and player points) will be transferred to PokerStars. Full Contact Poker and PokerStars will try to make the account transfer process as easy and seamless as possible.
We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding during the transition process, which will take place over the next few days. Please take care to read the information that follows very carefully.

Full Contact Poker will cease all poker and casino operations in all countries and return FullContactPoker.com to its roots as a forum-based poker community that features Daniel Negreanu and his popular blog, video diaries and a new video poker school that is in development. FCP players now have the opportunity to shift their FCP accounts over to PokerStars, where they will join over 9 million other players on the World’s largest poker site, assuring themselves of a game of poker any time of day.
In a separate agreement, Daniel Negreanu has signed as a member of Team PokerStars, showing his commitment to where he sees the future of online poker.

The soon-to-be-revamped Full Contact Poker website and community will now have the best of both worlds. Daniel will continue to be an active leader in the FCP Community, while at the same time PokerStars has agreed to become the new home for many of our community’s online poker events, including Negreanu’s Protégé 3, future Weekend at Daniel’s events, the weekly Negreanu Open and much more!

The following is a list of very important dates and details on how the transition of players from FCP to PokerStars will happen:

Monday , June 11 th - The following software functions will be turned off:
FCP players will no longer be able to make real money deposits at fullcontactpoker.com
FCP players will no longer be able to make withdrawal requests through Full Contact Poker. However, you will be able to make withdrawal requests from PokerStars once you have initiated your account balance transfer to PokerStars (these account transfer instructions will be detailed in an e-mail message to this address directly from PokerStars on Thursday , June 14 th)
FCP Casino will be shut down

Tuesday Morning, June 12 th - FCP poker room on the Digital Gaming Network will be shut down and players will no longer have access to the software.

Until Wednesday morning, you will still be able to log into your player account to view your account balances and FCP points balance. You will also be able to redeem your FCP points for merchandise in the FCP Store. After Wednesday morning around 9:00 am EST, your FCP points will no longer be available to redeem in the FCP Store, but they will be transferred to PokerStars and converted into PokerStars Frequent Player Points (FPPs). For every 2.5 FCP points you have, you will receive one PokerStars FPP that can be used in the PokerStars store and/or redeemed for tournament entries the same way current PokerStars players are able to redeem their points.

Wednesday Morning, June 13 th - FCP player accounts will be locked and players will no longer be able to log into their FCP accounts. At this point, all player account balances will be prepared for transfer to PokerStars. (Note: Bonus money balances will not be transferred to PokerStars and will expire.) All currency conversion adjustments necessary to determine a final U.S. dollar value will use the international currency rates posted for June 13th , 2007.

Finally, by Thursday , June 14 th, PokerStars will send FCP players a welcome e-mail and have a secure web application ready for you to authenticate your account identity and then transfer your account balances.

The welcome e-mail from PokerStars will detail the final transfer instructions and confirm the day and time you may begin this authentication process. We kindly request that you do not contact PokerStars Support prior to receiving this email, as they will not be able to give you any details on how this procedure will work at this time. Once it becomes active, you may also visit the following link to access these transfer instructions https://www.pokerstars.com/welcomefcp

If you signed up at FullContactPoker.com or FullContactPoker.net, but never created a real money account, you too may receive an e-mail from PokerStars describing their services and explaining the best way to create a new account. If you wish to learn more about PokerStars, please visit http://www.pokerstars.com.
For the latest news please visit the Full Contact Poker website and forums, where we’ll be making updated announcements and addressing any commonly asked questions. If you have questions that are not addressed on the FCP website and forums, you can send an e-mail to [email protected].
We sincerely thank you for your business and support during the past two years and look forward to an exciting new beginning with a restructured FullContactPoker.com website and a relationship with PokerStars.

-Team FCP

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wow... That's interesning news...



hmm. never heard of him

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