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Erick Lindgren's Golfing Prop Bet Video

"That was the sickest day of my life." - Erick Lindgren, July 27, 2007

Erick Lindgren's $340k prop bet is now up on RawVegas.tv. Or just watch it below. "Part II - The Aftermath" airs tomorrow.

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alex '5th grade power' outhred

ohhhhh snap. Yes. I bet I can walk around the craps area at caesars four times, carrying my chips, and make under $100 each revolution- all in a days time. I might need a dice-blower if your around and prop-bet conditions allow it... :)

Michele Lewis

Hey Alex
Shouldn't you be playing craps?


The video no worky. so sad.

I read somwhere that Gavin and Erick were in on it, in order to get Ivey to bet big.

I wonder if this is only part one, and they are now going to suck Ivey into trying to do it too.

alex outhred

For the record- my $ was on lindgren from the get-go. It's a shame it was only $20. I cant wait until someone is stupid enough to challenge me with this bet after I get my game-show check :) Looking forward to "The Aftermath"

Michele Lewis

Just wondering...will WCP have the WCP Yacht cruising Lake Mead this year for the main event?

Kid Dynamite

nice musical editing!

I don't think people appreciate how hard this is - never mind the golf aspect - how about just walking the f'ing course 4 times in the vegas heat!

and chops - does Hellmuth love you now that you always give him video exposure?

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