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The Aftermath: Takes on Lindgren's Prop Bet

One day after winning a ridiculous golfing prop bet, Erick Lindgren was feeling it. Bad.

Watch his perspective below, as well as opinions from Phil Hellmuth, Daniel Negreanu, Gavin Smith, John Caldwell from Poker News, and Dr. Pauly.

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Thanks for fixing the video, Chops. About Gavin and Erick being in on it, I was just repeating something I read in Guinness & Poker Blog which gave it a different perspective. I don't know Erick, but he seems like a stand up guy and I don't want to believe there was anything like that going on.

But you have to admit, now that it's been done, there are a lot of guys out there who think they can do it too. And that could create a whole craze of golf prop bets.

Thanks for the great coverage. This is better than anything that's happened so far at the WSOP (aside from Donkey Bomber winning two bracelets, maybe).

alex '5th grade power' outhred

What makes Ericks performance so impressive is that he did this after a night of drinking and little sleep. Give me some z's and a water cart to follow, and hmmmm- under his conditions? No way I pull it off-

No kiddin' KidDyn, its tempting. Im at about a 12 right now, playing twice a month. Note: 2 ACL reconstrucs on my left knee and I still might be open for business after the Main Event. Bringin my clubs with me just in case!

Kid Dynamite

wow - so Negreanu claims he would give it a shot? and Alex Outhred says he can do it? mmmm... i'm skeptical... What's your handicap Alex? Chris Bell sounds like he's eager to bet against another would-be-attempter.

and there's no way Danny N can do this... he's 1/4th the athelete lindgren is.

alex outhred

The smart person will combine a water consumption prop bet at the same time- Hydration is so key... Nice coverage WCP

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