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Daniel Negreanu Stars In A.D.D. It Up

Yesterday, the latest webisodes of weekly web sitcom A.D.D. It Up was released, this one containing featured cameos by Daniel Negreanu and Lacey Jones.

The crew is participating in an instructional poker DVD shoot, but series "star" Zachary Freeman screws up the production by becoming obsessed with Daniel's ability to read hands and with Lacey's breasts.

Super hot Andrea Tiede also makes an appearance in boxers in bed. Unfortunately Zach makes an appearance in the same scene without his shirt on. Just close your eyes and listen to the dialogue there.

Click the video player below to watch or go directly to the site here.

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dan m

big brian balsbaugh fan here. his role was the best.


Yo guy. You would be entertained, cuz you suck at life. Really man, there is nothing entertaining in this video except laceys boobs, which are there and then gone Maybe after this blunt it will be funnier.

Bill Gates

I didn't really laugh out loud and all, but I was entertained, especially by Negreanu.

oh, and John and James are flaming gaytards. Lacey Jones is always worth watching on video. Really, you're gay.

scott allen

all in with no chips, lol. notsure what you guys watched but that was funny.


I just wasted seven minutes of my life. What a fucking embarrassment.


I just wasted seven minutes of my life. What a fucking embarrassment.


A.D.D it up is crap, my god, quit telling us about the hot chicks included in these clips. They don't even make it worth watching this garbage.


Negreanu actually has some acting chops.

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