Denise Pernula in Her Panties Makes for a Good Video
One of the character traits we respect most in a woman is when she's hot and tries to get our attention by stripping down to her panties in the bedroom. It's a commendable quality, a sign of a proper woman, and a positive trait that ranks right up there with integrity for us, or a good sense of humor or the willingness to wake us up every morning with a hummer.
And's resident hottie Denise Pernula does just that (the stripping down to her panties, that is) in the below video listing the Top 5 Ways to Cure a Las Vegas Hangover.
Yeh, the image below is of a scary harry man and a little kid, but click on the triangle in the blue circle and wah-lah...just like magic...Denise is in her panties a minute or so later.
Jesus, thanks for the warning on the guy ralphing up his lungs, guys.
Posted by: Zerbet | August 02, 2007 at 01:29 PM