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Heh-ro China! WPT to Hold Poker Tournaments in Red Communist Nation

WptlogoThe WPT has announced plans to partner with the China Leisure Sports Administrative Center and promote tournament poker in the land next to the land of the rising sun.

This despite the fact that China strictly bans Chinaflagall forms of gambling.

In a statement, the WPT said that this partnership will "promote the sport of poker, by helping to create, expand and commercialize China's first ever national poker competition."

The agreement is to run for five years.

We're not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, it's a brilliant business move by the WPT as it may open the door to get their struggling online poker room some play in the heavily populated communist nation. On the other hand, do we really want 1.3 billion Chinese playing poker? Isn't poker already flooded with enough good Asian players? In two years, we're not going to know if we're looking at the names of everyone at a final table or a menu at PF Chang's.

Read more about the agreement here.

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Michele Lewis

You guys should just stick to degrading women. When you talk about women as bitches, sluts, ho’s and their incapability of winning a poker tournament, it’s silly, funny and keeps people coming back for more because they like it.
Being sexist pigs is ok...because us girls/bitches/women/sluts/cougars/ho’s/hookers and ladies can handle it because we know you’re joking.
Uh, you are joking right?


Ya, relax dudes. It's a cheap play on a silly stereotype (cheap, as in MichaelJackson-joke cheap). Plus, If the entities *DO do anything major, Hans Brix will be up in that ass like a bikeseat.

*Not a feces reference
(But 'feces reference' refers to feces anyways, so I guess strike that note)

not actually an iranian terrorist (all r's and l's in this name were intentional)

everyone needs to rerax a rittre bit. if you are actually a fan of this site, then you know this is marginal at best. don't laugh and enjoy when they point fingers at everyone else and give you all the T-and-A your non-poker-playing-mouse-clicking hand can handle and then get your used panties that you bought out of a vending machine in a bunch when they momentarily turn the spotlight on you. its just stereotypes, they're funny. chirr out.

Jefferson Chen

The title is racist as hell. The last paragraph is disgusting. Does this idiot
realize that he is alienating a large portion of his audience. Wait till he goes
to the next poker tourney and has people yelling and screaming at him for his racist site. Assholes deserve what they get.

Lucas Chan

Hi, I like WCP, really I do, but this story is so racist and out of line. I would suggest thinking a little more about your audience before posting stories like these in the future.

johnnie walker

Oliver Tse must be licking his chops with this news... My money is on this deal going bust ASAP. A good idea that will likely never happen unless someone pays off the Govt. and all other hands in this deal.

John Chang

Come on guys. The title is stupid and
racist. So is the article. Go fuck yourselves. Bunch of trailer park KKK fuckers who just learned how to use the internet. LMAO.

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