Katie Rees Lip Lock with Andrea Tiede at Birthday Bash
The fantastically hot Andrea Tiede of RawVegas.tv made it her mission yesterday to lock lips with our favorite scandalicious ex-beauty queen Katie Rees, and she succeeded. Yes kids, let this be an example of what you can do when you set your mind to it, especially if you grow up to look hot like Andrea.
Watch the video of Katie Rees kissing Andrea Tiede at her birthday bash below. For more photos of Andrea Tiede, go here and for pics of Katie Rees poolside at Bare on her 23rd birthday but unfortunately not in her birthday suit, head over to TMZ.com.
I would call a locksmith in Wichita in this situation.
Posted by: locksmith in Wichita | December 18, 2011 at 05:37 PM
Andrea is very hot on this photo
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