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Sort of Newsy Poker News News

:: 2005 World Champ Joe Hachem will treat 18 poker players to an Oz-some experience in Las Vegas, including doing it up like a high roller and two days of exclusive poker lessons, this December 7-9 for the measly price of $9,900. Yep, we said Oz-some. [Weekend with Joe]

:: Thanks to Sun Poker you can win a seat to the EPT Grand Final just by getting really shit-faced drunk in the Caribbean. The online poker site is offering seats to the Caribbean Poker Classic in St. Kitts and those who qualify through them can compete for a seat to the EPT Grand Final (or just get drunk) in the second annual "Beer Pong" Championships. [Casino City Times]

:: Don't do the WSOP Europe like a Griswold. Bodog Poker is guaranteeing 6 sick VIP packages to the WSOP Europe that includes the $20,000+ buy-in, 10 day stay at a luxury hotel, spending money and car service in a sweet ride that thankfully won't be driven by Henri Paul, because he's dead. Satellites go for as little as a buck and the main qualifier is Aug 19. [Bodog Poker]

:: Speaking of Bodog, this month's Bodog Girl Tami (see pics) just may be the hottest Bodog Girl we've seen yet. Ever. The girl's painfully hot. Really, it hurts. [Bodog Girls]

:: Perhaps realizing the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City is a shithole, ESPN has opted not to televise the 2007 U.S. Poker Championship. [The Poker Biz]

:: In another sexy story from the folks at PokerNews, PokerStars has finally put a stop to data mining sites, like thepokerdb, from displaying info about their players in the public domain. [PokerNews UK]

:: PokerWorks' Craig Cunningham, who regularly interviews some of poker's more interesting personalities, chats this week with Bertrand “ElkY” Grospellier, a top online player and a guy who happens to be a Frenchie, a group of people we hate even more than Dukies. [PokerWorks]

Both photos of Tami below are worth the click, painful as they may be.


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Thanks for the shoutout and positioning me above the boobies!

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