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Nut Job In Thailand Claims Phil Laak Wanted Him Killed

Phillaak1First off, this is a ridiculous story that has almost* zero credibility. Second, it is our professional opinion as pretend scientists who specialize in mental illness that the guy pimping this story is a total nut job who takes every chance he can to mention his business which apparently caters to special needs people, which in the end, anyone doing business with a guy like this has to be insane, which we guess is a special need, so he has that going for him.

So here's the short of it . . . some Brit ex-pat living in Thailand named Tom Grant has posted a web page claiming that he befriended Phil Laak seven years ago, bailed him out of some trouble, went into an import/export business with Laak and then after a snafu, claims that Laak sought to have him and his wife killed for $30,000 for no good reason.

Convincing, huh?

Rather than us post a link to this guy's web page, here are links to the 2+2 and NWP threads on the story. Go get it there.

* While this story reeks like a Bangkok hooker after a hot summer night of trickin', it is worth noting that Laak did travel the world back then as a backgammon player and a few years ago a guy named Tripwyre, who doesn't appear to be the nut job above, posted a comment at www.homepokergames.com saying that he lived with Laak and that "there are quite a few things actually im sure he would like to sweep under the rug and forget(Thailand,cheating,drug stuff etc)."

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Henry K


Time will tell, no Pulitzer prize for you this year... ha ha, Phil had reason to do it (given what we've read so far) hypothetically, because blackmail would have forced his hand back then.


sorry about that Haley.


Alright, you guys cost me a prop bet. I was betting on at least two Tilly photos when you found this thing... just because.


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