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A Smidgen of Poker News and a Dash of Super Hot Chicks

:: Presidential hopeful Ron Paul (who?) is against the UIGEA, calling the anti-online gambling law an "outrageous affront" to individual freedom. [Poker Listings]

:: Leah Dizon, a Libra with blood type O, is by far the hottest Asian American chick we've seen getting all sexy in a video today. [YouTube]

:: The Full Tilt Online Poker Series starts today and will reportedly pay out the equivalent of what our 4-bedroom beach house in Montecito cost us. [CardPlayer]

:: We're going to guess G4's super hottie host Oliva Munn is better than Keeley Hazell at slobbing the knob. [City Rag]

:: Bodog Poker thinks you can kick the shit out of a MMA fighter . . . playing online poker. The new tournament series starts tomorrow and has a top prize that includes a trip for two to see a Bodog Fight. [Bodog Beat]

:: Giorgia Palmas (above left) is the hottest Latina we've seen in the past cinco minutos. [Hollywood Tuna]

:: After false rumors of his arrest and bowing out of the U.S. online poker market because of our Fascist U.S. Congress, Doyle Brunson is re-launching his site in the UK and abroad just in time for the WSOP Europe. We're not singing Lee Greenwood in our heads right now. [Online Casinos Denmark]

:: Matt Damon makes good movies, hangs out with Joe Hachem and sounds retarded when he talks politics. [Herald Sun]

:: Katharine McPhee + a short dress + pink panties + a strong gust of wind = one more reason why she is still famous after American Idol. Ok, now we're singing Lee Greenwood. [Egostatic]

:: LA's Hustler Casino, a casino inexplicably void of slutty hot girls prancing around showing their pink parts, has digital poker tables now. [Las Vegas Sun]

:: Not surprisingly, looking at photos of Jessica Alba in a bikini on the beach never gets old. [Faded Youth Blog]

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Leah is more a singer now than a pin up girl. She just did her first live solo concert in Tokyo. Go Leah!

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