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Poker News from Everywhere Like Such As

MTV The Hills BikiniJessica AlbaKeeley Hazell Page 3
:: Owen Laukkanen of PokerListings has the wrap up from Day 2 of the EPT Barcelona Open in Spain. [PokerListings]

:: Photos of Lauren Conrad and the girls from "The Hills" prancing around on the beach are a good reason why we occasionally watch the show, all the time. [Egotastic]

:: PokerNews.com, not to be confused with NewPokerNews.com, interviewed John Pappas, the new executive director for the Poker Players Alliance. [PokerNews.com]

:: Jessica Alba takes a break from laying around in her bikini doing nothing but looking hot to do a photo spread for VIP/Cinema magazine in Germany. [Horny Oyster]

:: Hot damn, Absolute Poker finally does something right by announcing that it's giving Elite VIPs 9% interest on their daily balance. Now, if we could only stand playing there enough to become Elite VIPs. [CardPlayer]

:: The most famous Page 3 girl ever, Keeley Hazell, once again does what she's famous for, posing topless for Page 3. [Page 3] (NSFW)

:: Boston Celtic Cheerleaders prove they can get it done even in the tightest of places. Zoo Weekly]

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