Poker News Is All the Rage
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:: CBS finally confirmed what ThePokerBiz reported awhile ago, that Jean Robert Bellande will be one of the contestants on Survivor: China. [Bluff Magazine]
:: Heidi Klum is single-ass-edly bringing back Jordache Jeans, the painted-on-looking designer denim girls wore back in the 80s much to our puberty peaking delight. Again Klum is proof that giving birth to 3 kids can/should have absolutely zero effect on what your body looks like afterwards. [Egostatic] :: In a real life tale similar to the "wow that was total crap" movie Lucky You, Peter Gould goes up against his son at final table of the NPL UK Open Poker Championship and wins. [PokerListings] :: Today's good news is that Keeley Hazell is still alive and naked, this time in today's Sun newspaper. [Page 3](NSFW) :: The Commerce Casino, our favorite poker stop in LA besides 4th Street, now has electronic poker table Sit-n-Gos so you don't have to touch the chips of the homeless looking fuck who just raised you four times the pot while licking the wing sauce off his fingers and coughing up a lung. [All In] :: Speaking of, we really do go to Hooters for their Buffalo Wings and curly fries, although Hooter Girls like Miss #36 certainly are an added bonus. [Hollywood Tuna] :: is getting in on the online casino action finally with the launch of a 10-pack of CryptoLogic casino games, including Marvel comics jackpot slots. Sounds exciting . . . if you're a blue haired, 80-year-old lady who's a fan of the Hulk. [CNN Money] :: Sex tape slut-lebrity Kim Kardashian demonstrates what it looks like putting |