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Poker News Is Fun to Look At

Haydenpanettiere1_2:: With Michael Bolcerek stepping down from his post at the Poker Players Alliance, the lobbying group is relocating to Washington D.C. where it belongs with John Pappas now serving as the new executive director. [PokerPages.com]

:: Hayden Panettiere just celebrated her 18th birthday which means nipple slips, DUIs, crotch shots and anorexia are just around the corner. For now, we'll have to settle for some coming-of-age photos in the latest FHM UK. [Egostatic]

:: Just weeks after its young producer and creater Rob Gardner passed away, the original hole-cam poker show, Late Night Poker, announced that it's returning to UK TV sets with a new season on Channel 4. [PokerNews.com]

:: The devilishly sexy Vikki Blows is on fire (and half naked) in her latest Zoo Weekly photo shoot. Zoo Weekly] (NSFW)

:: The WPT Legends of Poker kicks off tomorrow at The Bike in LA. [BodogBeat]

:: Jessica Biel keeps proving to us she's fun to look at. This time in FHM France. [Popoholic]

:: Speaking of fun to look at, a video of a Bodog Girl showing some pigskin, literally, to promote fantasy football. [EJB.com]

:: You know what they say, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a former porn star who looks skankier now than when was doing The Passion of the Christies, it's Jenna Jameson. [Pop On The Pop]


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