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Flight of the Poker News

:: Our friends at the WSOP Academy are putting on their first poker camp in Atlantic City this Dec. 1-2 with Greg Raymer, FOWCP Alex Outhred and freak-your-shit-scary-good poker tells expert Joe Navarro among those on hand to teach. [WSOPAcademy.com]

:: 야!!! So apparently Hyori Lee (above left) is how you say "Jessica Alba" in Korean. [NS4W.org]

:: A Harvard professor is forming a global poker strategic thinking society. [Herald Sun]

:: If Heidi Klum is what you should look like after giving birth, then Christina Aguilera is what you should look like the months before, if you have obnoxiously massive fake breasts. [WWTDD]

:: A Brunson not named Doyle or Todd won a poker tournament. In related news, Steve Lipscomb raises the sexy quotient of the WPT Ladies Night to astronomical levels with a line-up that includes Linda Johnson, Mimi Tran, Melissa Hayden and JJ Liu. We can barely keep our pants on. [PokerNews.com]

:: Are you ready for some football . . . cheerleaders? [Maxim]

:: In today's latest global poker strategic thinking society news, PlayersOnly.com is sponsoring a celebrity fundraiser at the Playboy Mansion featuring the lovely Carrie Stroup, who we just heard is Playboy Magazine’s "Babe of the Month" for September. [Bluff Magazine]

:: In poker's most captivating online video moment of the week, nice guy Shawn Green talks on the phone from the CardPlayer TV studio for 27 minutes with feared online poker player, Shabbat follower and new Las Vegas resident BodogAri. To be honest, BodogAri has such a great story and is such a good kid, we half listened to half of what he had to say while typing this. [CardPlayer TV]

:: For crying out loud Keeley Hazell, stop it with this whole "wearing clothes" thing, it just ain't your style. [Second City Style]

:: Finally, below another brilliant clip from HBO's Flight of the Conchords:

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She receives 10 million times davis views and Nash. I think it should change its marketing approach

Canada Drugs

Too bad this video did not part before the song begins when Jemaine says Bret, his beard is good. That Was hilarious.

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