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Poker News that Doesn't Blow Like Britney

Hooters bikiniFernanda LimaMissenglandgeorgia_horsleyBritsvajj
:: In a formal response to the swiping of Bodog's domain names by patent troll Scott Lewis, Calvin Ayre announced on his blog that he is hosting the "Scott Lewis Patent Troll Dance Contest", asking people to submit videos of themselves dancing like a hick to "Dueling Banjos." Winner gets $1000 plus an iPod. Sounds like something Cooter Ayre and the BoDawg Cracker Pack should jump on. [Calvin Ayre's Blog]

:: We couldn't help noticing that the Hooter's Swimsuit Pageant featured more cameltoe than an afternoon rush hour in the Sahara, if that in any way indicates lots of cameltoes. [Mediabom.tv]

:: Apparently CardPlayer's exclusive live reporting deal with the World Poker Tour isn't exclusive so much as it isn't really exclusive at all as ex-CardPlayer-ers Michael Friedman, Johnnie Walker and Matt Story are live reporting the Borgata Poker Open for the tournament's host casino. [Borgata Poker Blog]

:: Fernanda Lima is the hottest Brazilian model we've seen in the past cinco minutos. And that's saying a lot. [DoubleViking.com]

:: Good news for online poker? Chris Costigan reports that the gaming trade org iMEGA will make a fresh announcement of some type regarding its case against the US Government this week. [Gambling911.com]

:: Hopefully Miss England 2007 Georgia Horsley knows the drill and will do something foolish, preferably naked, soon. [Horny Oyster]

:: Nineteen-year-old Søren Kongsgaard, whose name sounds a lot like a dead existentialist Danish philosopher, won the Danish No-Limit Hold'em Championship. [PokerListings.com]

:: If you didn't think Sarah Silverman's impersonation of Britney Spears' nasty hairless va-jj was dead on, well here's proof, this time from last night's MTV VMAs. [IDLYITW]

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