Shawn Sheikhan May Be Shipped Back to Iran Over Sexual Battery Conviction
Shawn "Sheiky" Sheikhan, the Persian poker pro best described as arrogant, combative, abrasive and shitty at golf, is facing deportation back to Iran over a 12 year old California conviction on charges of "sexual battery and annoyance or molestation of a child," reports the Las Vegas Review Journal.
Whether the 1995 conviction was of the Michael-Jackson-is-a-sick-fuck variety or the David Sklansky "You mean, you aren't 18?" kind is unclear. Regardless, immigration officials want the 38-year-old Sheikhan sent back to the land of Ayatollahs as soon as possible.
"[Sheikhan] was targeted for ICE arrest because of his criminal history," Virginia Kice, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, told the LVRJ. "ICE has an ongoing initiative called Operation Predator targeting individuals, including foreign nationals, who prey upon and sexually exploit children."
Kice said Sheikhan's conviction is "a deportable offense, but ultimately it will be up to an immigration judge to make that determination."
"We want to see him removed from the United States," said Kice.
Sheikhan, who served nine months in jail and five years of probation for the 1995 conviction, resides in Las Vegas and has been a legal resident of the US since 1983 and is married to a U.S. citizen. He has a 9-year-old daughter.
Developing . . .
Sources: and Las Vegas Review Journal
That is definitely news to me. Not sure what to think about this.
Posted by: Greg | June 23, 2008 at 05:16 PM
He's an asshole and his antics on the table cross the line, but he doesn't deserve this if he just had fun with his GF when he was in his early 20s and she around 17. Depends what he did though, but there is not enough details to really say. I can totally see him f---ing around and touching someone the wrong way getting into trouble. Nonetheless he served 9 months or something long ago, and he should not have to carry such a thing the rest of his life.
Posted by: TWC | November 27, 2007 at 03:11 AM
thats fucked up...he was 23, his gf at the time was 17. he made a minor mistake, paid his price and thats it. now, TWELVE YEARS later the govt decides to try to deport him...when he's married to american citizen, has a kid, and is a respectable businessman....TOTAL UTTER BULLSHIT.
ive met shawn, and hung out with him....and he's genuinely a nice, cool, and caring person...the complete opposite of his TV persona.
lets hope he wins this fight.
Posted by: NYC | October 02, 2007 at 12:41 PM
i swear this guy is a fat bloated pos. go for a jog you biatch.
Posted by: noah | September 27, 2007 at 02:25 AM
Now lets not start punishing people for being born Arab or Iranian just because the government decides to classify their homeland government as enemies! The U.S. has never tried to coexist with Iran on a peaceful accord just because a lot of rich white Americans lost a lot of money when the Ayatollah took back their country from the American puppet the Shaw! If the government wants to fight with Iran, that's their affair, but quit trying to drag everybody else into their bullshit! Leave this man alone, for if he wanted to be in Iran he would be! He just wants to play poker and enjoy the many good things about this country! They have no right to drag him into their economic and racial politics!
Posted by: Daniel Asamota | September 22, 2007 at 08:44 AM
Maybe he and Amarillo Slim could start a support group for poker player pedophiles.
Posted by: Johnny Hughes | September 21, 2007 at 08:51 AM
"that's fucked up son..." that's what i picture sheiky saying after finding out he's being deported.
Posted by: Ivan | September 20, 2007 at 11:11 AM