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Speaking of Poker News

:: With the possible deportation of poker pro Shawn Sheikhan to Iran, RawVegas.tv put together a touching video tribute of the whiny little bitch. [RawVegas.tv]

:: Speaking of video, Keeley Hazell finally does one without dropping the top. If hosting this cable-access-quality online show about computers is her next career move, she needs a new manager. [ByteMeTV.com]

:: In a move sure to please spaghetti-eatin' poker players from Turin to Trapani, the Italian government is expected to define poker as a game of skill sometime next week. [PokerNews.com]

:: Speaking of Italian, Giorgia Palmas is handsdown the hottest one we've seen in the past cinque minuti. [Bastardly.com] (NSFW)

:: PokerStars.com's clampdown on online poker ranking sites has pros like Scott Fischman talking. [CardPlayer.com]

:: Speaking of clampdown, we're putting an end to these segues with a bikini-licious video of Brazil's hottest swimsuit model since the last one, Isabeli Fontana. [Heavy.com]

:: Owen Laukkanen and Lance "The Biz" Bradley can stop playing Scrabulous on Facebook and start playing poker thanks to two really smart guys. [PokerListings.com]

:: Katie Downes, Rhian Sugden, Louise Cliffe and Imogen Gray apparently forgot to pack their bikini tops when they went to Ibiza. [Maxim UK] (NSFW)

:: Freakonomic's author Steven Levitt reveals in his latest blog post that he is working with an online poker site to catch cheaters. Which one it is, we don't know but we're guessing it isn't Absolute Poker. [Freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com]

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