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Atlanta's Yuval Bronshtein Doing Well Early In WSOP Europe H.O.R.S.E. Event

Yuval_bronshtein_2007_wsop_fireWe were going to give our friend Yuval Bronshtein shit for pimping his Atlanta homegames via MySpace bulletins, but we'll cut him some slack and instead report that the 23-year-old razz specialist and WSOP final table-ist is currently sitting second in chips (23,900) in the WSOP Europe £2,500 H.O.R.S.E. event.

With the most chips right now is Norway's Vegard Nygaard with 25,500, and Johnny Chan, who is gunning for his record-tying 11th WSOP bracelet, is in third with 20,400. Other notable players doing well early are Justin Bonomo (19,200), Robert Williamson III (17,600), Annie Duke, a woman (16,850), David Williams (16,500), Phil Hellmuth (15,700), Doyle Brunson (14,025) and a bunch of other players you know and can read about here.

105 players started in today's event (minus maybe a big name player who was detained at the Las Vegas airport), and 92 still remain at the dinner break. The total prize purse for the first event of the WSOP Europe is £262,500 with only 16 places paid and the winner taking home £70,875.

Keep posted on today's event over at PokerNews.com, where DrPauly, Snoopy1239, Change100 and others are all over the action at the tables like Drew Barrymore on the "I'm a Mac" guy, except not as weird.

Also, be sure to check out the always fun to watch Tiffany Michelle who is in London doing live video interviews for PokerNews.com

UPDATE: Just past midnight in London, and Yuval Bronshtein is the current chipleader in the H.O.R.S.E. event with 37k in chips and Vegard Nygaard is not far behind with 31,200. From a quick look, the gang over at PokerNews.com has failed to mention Yuval's name once today for one reason or another but they do have a photo of Gary Jones with green hair, again, for one reason or another. Yuval had an impressive summer in Las Vegas at the 2007 WSOP, finishing 3rd in the $2k Pot Limit Hold'em event to cash $109,018 and 37th in the $2k Limit Hold'em event. Razz and H.O.R.S.E. are his games though so it's no surprise that he's off to a good start today.

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