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Poker News that Sandwiches Two Hot Chicks Doing the Look from Behind with Two on their Knees

Petra Nemcova Elena Santarelli Melissa Satta Pania Rose
:: Danish poker pro Soren Kongsgaard didn't have a comcastic finish to Full Tilt's Sunday $1 Mil Guaranteed after his internet connection froze while heads-up against Bluff Magazine's Chris Vaughn (aka BluffMagCV). [PokerListings.com]

:: Petra Nemcova, who once mysteriously dated a midget pop singer, is back doing what she does best. [Popoholic.com]

:: The French don't just annoy the crap out of us, they're also pissing off the European Commission for arresting Petter Nylander, the CEO of online gambling site Unibet, for breaking 19th century gambling laws. [The Times]

:: Italian goddess Elena Santarelli and her calendar have made this a very good year so far. [Republicca.it]

:: A writer not just a fighter, Calvin Ayre followed up his MMA challenge to 1st Tech's Scott Lewis with another blog post. [Calvin Ayre's blog]

:: Sticking with the Italian theme, the sin-a-liciously hot Melissa Satta is now officially our favorite bella from the boot. [DoubleViking.com]

:: The PPA's lobbying efforts in Washington DC this week are making headlines, if not changes to the UIGEA. [USA Today]

:: Swimsuit model Pania Rose is the Gisele Bundchen of Australia, with the added bonus of a pretty face. [HornyOyster.com]

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