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Annette Obrestad, a Girl, May Be Good at Poker

Annette_15So perhaps her turning nothing into a few hundred thousand dollars online, winning tournaments without looking at her hole cards and beating out the world's best to take down the inaugural WSOPE Main Event wasn't all a fluke, like we thought.

Maybe 19-year-old Annette "Annette_15" Obrestad, a girl, is actually good at poker.

Stranger things have happened. Like Nickelback* selling millions of records despite sucking. Or that time one of us didn't have to take a poop in the morning. Or when that Czech supermodel didn't give it up after a night of partying in Prague. That was strange. Obviously a lesbian. But still.

Anyway, going into Day 3 of the EPT Dublin, Obrestad is second in chips with 284,700, and from all reports, or at least those at PokerListings.com, the young Norwegian has been steamrolling the competition with the same aggressive play she showed in London this past September.

At the top of the count is 2005 WSOP final table-ist Andy Black, who starts the day with 350,300. Other players still in include a bunch of guys with names that look like a bunch of consonants and vowels randomly thrown together like Michiel Brummelhuis and Ziad Kaady and Csaba Malnai.

For live updates head over to PokerListings.com, who's all over the action at the EPT Dublin like Sheiky on underage girls at a high school party.

Also check out Raise.TV for video streams from the EPT Dublin.

* A band loved by ALL Canadians.

UPDATE: Totally missed this but FOWCP Simon Munoz of Poquer-Red.com, who just yesterday commented on this post, was third in chips at the start of Day 3 but was just sent to the rail after being crippled by Annette, then getting it in bad against Andy Black, according to PL. Check out an interview we did with Simon back in 2006 here.

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The Zodiac

If her and jimmy fricky were to mate what spieces would the child be?

D from finland

Annette you rock!!! hmmh something thinks this is spam :( aww...

Cheers from finland!

D from finland

Annette you rock!!!


Hi boys,

thanks for the mention ;). It was a great tournament for me, but I didn´t have a bit of luck on day 3.

I will play all the EPT circuit, so if you need anything, just contact me.

Cheers, Simon!


sounds like somebody loves them some nickleback... typical i guess, he is canadian after all.


Agreed on the Nickelback...having just written about their suckcess...


Canadian Friend

Look PAL, not all Canadians love Nickelback. In fact, we're pretty sure that the infatuation with this crap band is led by Americans and their sagging dollar and image on the international stage. During a recent trip to Milwaukee and Chicago it seems that every local bar, restuarant and radio station found time to play some Nickelback. Which is pretty sad considering they haven't had an album in over two years


Yet here at home, where a dollar is worth a dollar, it's stil pretty hard to find them on the radio. So take Nickelback and keep em, you guys obviously love em more than we do.

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