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Shooting in Midtown New York Poker Game Leaves Man Dead

CrimesceneFrank DeSena, a 55-year-old mathematician and former professor from Wayne, N.J., was shot and killed at a Midtown NYC poker game yesterday.

The game was held on the seventh floor of a commercial building at 251 Fifth Avenue, at 28th Street, just a few blocks from the Empire State Building.

According to the report:

"There were dozens of people, mostly middle-class or well-to-do, playing poker, with a guard posted on the ground floor in the lobby, other players said yesterday. Three or four men in ski masks and dark clothes entered the room after 11 p.m. to rob the players, the police said. The police would not say how much, if any, money the robbers had taken."

It has not yet been determined if this was a legal game (no rake, which is allowed in New York) or illegal (rake), although it is rumored that the organizers did charge $5 for every 30 minutes of play. However, there were 24-hour surveillance cameras set up and guards described as "nightclub bouncers" at the door. Also, one man was quoted as saying, "It’s like Atlantic City up there." So we'll briefly put on our detective caps and say this was the "illegal" variety.

Regardless, yet another terrible poker robbery tragedy, 1) because robbing poker games just ain't right, and 2) by all accounts (in this story, at least), Frank DeSena was a really good guy.

Read the full New York Times article here.

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I have learn some idea about shooting game from this topic.thanks..


I going to NY next weekend (visiting from Bermuda)
Are there any clubs still open?


In addition to this story- A buddy of mine was playing at the same club just hours before it was robbed..and would've undoubtedly been there for the actual robbery, had it not been for a brutal beat thus leaving him completely broke. Talk about a blessing in disguise.

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