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Vincent Procopio, 8th at 2007 LA Poker Classic, Among Mobsters Busted in Atlantic City

Vincentprocopio1Poker player Vincent Procopio, who finished 8th at the 2007 WPT LA Poker Classic for a $151,870 cash, was one of the 23 men arrested this week for a Philadelphia mob-run gambling ring inside the Borgata poker room that took in more than $22 million in illegal sports bets.

The 41-year-old Procopio, who also finished 34th this past January at the WPT Borgata Winter Open, is being described as an "alleged mob associate" despite not having a good mob nickname like the other guys nabbed, including Michael "Mikey Lance" Lancelloti, Steven "Stevie Gongs" Casasanto and Anthony "Itchy Balls" Nicodemo.

We may have made one of those up.

The alleged ring leader of the gambling operation Andrew Micali is also an avid poker player and has played major tournaments this year including the WPT Bellagio Five Star in April.

Also among those arrested were Borgata poker-room supervisor Paul Parks, two Borgata poker dealers and Tropicana poker-room supervisor Jeffrey Ebert.

According to Philadelphia Daily News, the arrests were the result of a 18-month probe called "Operation High Roller" that began after an informant, aka "rat", tipped off police in March 2006, telling them what to look for in the overhead surveillance cameras in the poker room. The arrest of Lancelloti, a reputed mob capodecina, marks the highest-ranking mobster arrested in New Jersey since 2004.

Reportedly, the juice on gambling losses was a ridiculous 50% annual interest.

After the jump watch a video of the lovely Tiffany Michelle interviewing Vincent Procopio at this year's LAPC.

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Joe Schmo

Damn, I had forgotten about that. I just looked it up and it was 4 years ago this week.

I knew Johnny and his brother when they were kids, before they got into all of the shit they were into. hey were always cool with me when I knew them and when I ran into them later on in life.

I live on the other side of the country now and South Philly has long been in the rear view mirror for me. I can't believe how many of the guys I grew up with are dead or in jail.

South Philly Gal

Actually, "Gongs" older brother Johnny was killed abot 2 years ago. Yor right, always in some shit.....

Joe Schmo

I grew up with "Gongs" older brother in South Philly. I think he's in jail for a long time.

These guys have always been into some shit.

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