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Bluff Magazine Revises Player of the Year Format

Bluff Poker MagazineLooks like Lorenzo Lamas may have a difficult time winning any form of "Player of the Year" honors in the near future.

After soliciting feedback from many top pros recently, Bluff Magazine just that it will revise its Player of the Year formula for 2008.

Math generally makes our collective heads explode, so let's let Bluff explain:

The formula takes into consideration that there should be alternate scoring methodologies for shootouts, short-handed and heads-up tournaments. The new Player of the Year formula also takes into consideration a wider range of tournaments, including EPT and APPT to name a few. The new system also accounts for tournaments with buy-in's below $5,000, however the larger the buy-in, the more points players are able to obtain. You can follow the 2008 Bluff Magazine Player of the Year race here at www.bluffmagazine.com.

Read more details about the revised format after the jump.

In related news, Bill "The Stunning One" Edler won Bluff POY honors in 2007. And from a very scientific survey involving the three Entities who comprise Wicked Chops Poker (margin for error = 0%), he actually seemed a more worthy recipient than 2007 Card Player POY David "The Dragon" Pham.* But who are we to play God?

* Not a real dragon.

More on Bluff's revised POY formula:

Players will receive points if they play in any tournament held by one of the following entities:
World Series of Poker, Las Vegas
World Series of Poker, Europe
World Series of Poker Circuit Events
World Poker Tour
European Poker Tour
Asia Pacific Poker Tour
Aussie Millions
Monte Carlo Millions
*Bluff also reserves the right to include prestige tournaments that may not be scheduled yet (eg. Venetian $5,000 main event)

2008 Player of the Year Scoring Formula:
There are three pieces of information factored into the formula:
1. Finishing Position (Players must cash in order to receive points)
2. Amount of the Buy-in
3. Number of Entrants
The points are calculated by multiplying the point factors from all three criteria.

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