Brandi Hawbaker's Sheriff's Card Up for Bid on eBay
Just when you were thinking to yourself, "You know, after (allegedly) robbing her ex-boyfriend blind and spewing that money at Commerce, I don't think Brandi Hawbaker could possibly get any hotter now," lo and behold, something has surfaced that does in fact make her hotter.
Brandi Hawbaker's super-smoking-hot Sheriff's Card (at right), otherwise known as her Stripper's card, has surfaced on eBay. According to Neverwin Poker: "This was pretty much the only thing left in Brandon's cleaned out condo when they broke up. David Sklansky bought this card for [her]..."
Current asking price is $35. That's just a pittance for a piece of history, people.
UNSEXY UPDATE: This item has been removed from bidding.
* Thanks to reader John for the eBay link.