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Dr. Pauly to Call it Quits in '08?

While some readers are emailing us asking if we're calling it quits because we've been light on posts during the holidays (...because... it's... the holidays), one of our favorite and daily reads, Dr. Pauly (not at right) and his popular Tao of Poker, may be on its last legs.

Playboy_cybergirl_of_the_month_meghIn today's post, Pauly ponders:

Of course, I have no idea what will happen in 2008. Opening up that chicken shack in Moscow with Tony G sounds pretty enticing the more that I think about it. But if I had any advice to give you... it's this... enjoy the Tao of Poker while you can. It might not be here in 2009.

Maybe I should walk away from poker right now? Cash out. Sell the Tao. I have a big stack in life thanks to my tremendous good luck in poker. I should quit while I'm ahead and use the money I earned to fund my personal projects. I have seen poker's ugly side and many of my friends have gotten their collective asses kicked by poker. They have left empty-handed.

Maybe I should just quit after the 2008 WSOP?

At the end of the 2008 WSOP, I'll make that tough decision. If I choose to walk away from poker entirely, well then that's what's going to happen.

Read the full post here. For more (NSFW) pics of Playboy Cybergirl of the Month Meghan Allen (at right) after she decided to call it quits on wearing clothes, here.

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Joe Schmo

I can understand the part about his friends getting their asses kicked. I play at a local casino and see dude after dude lose a ton of cash, and I wonder how they do it. One guy in particular, I use to always play with him at a 1-2 NL table, and I watched him tank thousands and thousands of bucks, and you could tell he wasn't the type with a lot of disposable cash. I saw him away from the table one night and asked him straight out how he could keep losing like that. He admitted to me that he re-mortgaged his house, was left with about $30,000, and was down to his last $2,000. He told me that he made a final table at a WSOP event (not the main event) in 2003 and went on a run for the next year, and he just knows he can do it again.

I felt so sorry for the guy. He was pathetic.


Hey Pauly, thanks for the slag. I've yet to read, comment or write anything about your post. It's a tad long for my comprehension skills and besides you lost me at your headline.

Happy '08


I think a lot of my words got mixed up or folks are focusing on the wrong ones...

I realize that there's a lot going on in the world right now - which to me is more interesting to write about than poker - and given the opportunity, I'd explore those options in a second. Poker will always be there. But those chances won't...


Some of you guys have poor reading comprehension. Especially Snake. Re-read the post again.


yeh, doesn't he pull this same schtick every year?



Same story, different year. He'll quit and be back after 3 weeks. He can't let it go.

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