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Foxwoods Casino Pulls a Monte Carlo, Roof Catches on Fire

Foxwoods Casino Roof On FireJust before noon today, Foxwoods Resort and Casino in the Middle of Nowhere, Connecticut was the scene of a fire reminiscent of last week's roof fire at the Monte Carlo in Las Vegas.

According to eyewitnesses we didn't talk to, flames were burning in a lounge on the 8th floor of the casino's Great Cedar Hotel and was still burning as late as 1:15 pm. The top three floors of the hotel were evacuated at first, followed by the entire building and adjacent casino.

A total of 16 fire companies responded to the fire.

The Foxwoods Casino is the largest casino in the world and has the second largest poker room, just behind the Commerce Casino in Los Angeles. It hosts two World Poker Tour events, the Foxwoods Poker Classic and the Foxwoods World Poker Finals.

More on the story here and here but not here.

In related news, the MGM-owned Monte Carlo is still closed after last week's fire and it is not clear when it will be allowed to reopen.

In other exciting breaking news, one of us ate shrimp quesadillas for lunch. They were delish.

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Christian Louboutin

A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears. (Michel Eyquem Montaigne, French essayist)

Kid Dynamite

i peg Snake for shrimp quesadillas.

question re: Jenna Jamison post above: are some girls (specifically, the ones who grow up to be strippers and porn stars) born with that gene that makes you do the whore dance? or can anyone learn that?

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