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Oh, We Thought You Said Celebrity, Not Celerity

Miss USA Rachel Smith was one of the celebs who played the Celerity poker eventA celebrity poker tournament in Park City the other day is being tagged by the Salt Lake Tribune as the biggest "doozy" of this year's Sundance Film Festival.

Up until the morning of the tournament, the event's sponsor Celerity Investments (who?) was hyping that a bunch of card tossing A-listers were confirmed to play, including Matt Damon, George Clooney, Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan.

According to the Trib blog though:

"Instead of Jason Bourne, Danny Ocean and the greatest basketball player of all time, spectators were treated to Miss USA Rachel Smith, Daniel Baldwin (maybe the least-known Baldwin brother), ex-NBA player-turned-talk show host John Salley, Ultimate Fighting champ Matt Hughes and Kato Kaelin. Yes, O.J.'s Kato Kaelin. And those were the most famous names at the table."

Trying to explain why the A-listers were no-shows, a rep from Celerity (who?) said, "A lot of those guys had scheduling conflicts."

As in they never had it on their schedules in the first place.

Word is that Celerity (who?) filmed the event hoping to air it sometime on Fox, which honestly, the cast of characters they had will make for way better TV than the ones they were hoping would show up, especially if Daniel Baldwin is whacked on the gak like he was a few years ago on Hollywood Home Game and Kato acts like, well, Kato. Plus you can never go wrong with having Miss USA on your set. Pageant chicks are a guaranteed good time.

Hey look! After the jump Miss USA Rachel Smith photos . . .

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Matt Damon

Don't worry, I doubt Celerity Investments will be around much longer. They're not paying their investors back lately.

Matt Damon

Don't worry, I doubt Celerity Investments will be around much longer. They're not paying their investors back lately.

Matt Damon

Don't worry, I doubt Celerity Investments will be around much longer. They're not paying their investors back lately.

Matt Damon

Don't worry, I doubt Celerity Investments will be around much longer. They're not paying their investors back lately.

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