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Pamela Anderson and Rick Salomon are Happy, Getting Divorced, Working Things Out, Getting Divorced, Playing Aussie Millions

Pamela Anderson

We're not so sure what's up with the fairytale marriage of pokerers Pamela Anderson and Rick Salomon but word is the two are Melbourne-bound so they can play the Aussie Millions Poker Championship.

According to the Herald Sun, Salomon is already set to play the $10,000 buy-in event, with an appearance fee being negotiated for Anderson to play.

Anderson and Salomon, who are both stars of their own sex tapes for those of you new to the Internet, got hitched this past September after Anderson paid off a $280,000 poker debt to Salomon with sexual favors. Reportedly she did this because she's a slut. The 40-year-old mother of a few then filed for divorce just two months later, but claimed that they were working things out, although she still seems to be going through with the divorce.

After the jump, photos of Heidi Montag in Maxim because she's half Anderson's age and hasn't banged a ton of dudes. Yet.

Check out Heidi Montag's full Maxim spread here.

Heidi Montag Maxim
Heidi Montag Maxim

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Pamela and Rick were a perfect pair. SO sad that they divorced.

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