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Shawn Sheikhan May Have Been a Bit of a Perv 12 Years Ago

Shawn Sheikhan says sex for skateboard offer and sticking hands in her pants was all just a misunderstandingGambling911.com, the Chris Hansen of the online gaming world, is reporting today on the salacious details surrounding Shawn Sheikhan's 1995 conviction for sexual harrasment and battery, which led to 9 months in jail for Sheiky and his deportation hearing last fall.

According to a November 11, 1995 Contra Costa Times article dug up by the blog Perverted Primates, the girls involved were customers of the store Sheikhan managed and that was owned by his family.

The girls testified that Sheikan, 26, repeatedly asked them for sex, and became increasingly aggressive after they turned him down. Eventually, he began physically pulling them onto his lap and demanding hugs. In one incident, he put his hands down the younger girl's pants, she said.

"I felt like a piece of meat," she said. "We felt we should stand up for ourselves. I had nightmares about him, and I didn't want other people to have to go through this."

The two girls were 16 and 17 at the time.

In his defense, Sheiky, who was on NBC's Poker After Dark earlier this month, argued what we always argue when we do something illegal, saying it was "all just a big misunderstanding."

"When I first opened the store, we had tons of girls and guys who wanted to hang out and be part of something. All day long I would have to hear what guys they wanted to be with. . . they were constantly talking about sex," said Sheiky at the time.

Sheiky allegedly tried to persuade the two girls to have sex in exchange for a skateboard, something he admitted doing but said "was all a big joke."

When asked to comment on the above, one of the entities here at Wicked Chops Poker replied, "We can't make any jokes about this as that would be totally inappropriate considering the charges. But we will say that the three of us each own a couple of skateboards. Wink, wink.

Ok, just kidding.

Email us."

Full story at Gambling911.com

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