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The WPT Gets Statistical, Which Involves Math, And Launches New ClubWPT, Which Involves Gambling

World Poker Tour Announces Club WPTTahdah! The World Poker Tour has found a way to kind of sort of get money from online U.S. American poker players.

The WPT announced yesterday the launch of ClubWPT.com, which they dub, "an innovative subscription-based online club and gaming platform."

Because it's easier to just copy and paste from the press release, ClubWPT:

"...offers a monthly subscription package for $19.95 per month, as well as discounted quarterly and annual options. In return, members receive points to enter into over 4,000 live poker and elimination black jack tournaments, sit-n-gos and ring games for a chance to win over $100,000 in cash and prizes each month, which could include a $10,000 seat into a World Poker Tour® (WPT) main event. Other high-end prizes include a flatscreen HD television, shopping sprees, cruises, jewelry and more."

What, no "Win a Date with Kimberly Lansing and Layla Kayleigh?" Did we lose a war?

If that isn't enough, ClubWPT offers registered users a free subscription to All-In Magazine. In related news, All-In Magazine apparently is still in publication.

The WPT also announced it has partnered up with STATS, which as the name hints at, is a company that compiles data for sports leagues. Now on the WPT website, visitors can get:

"...in-depth analyses and strategic breakdowns for the poker industry. STATS will compile data from every final table hand played in every televised WPT tournament to detail each individual players style of play, situational analysis, breakdowns, trends, and more, allowing poker fans and players to study intricacies of the game in ways never available before."

Hoisting a not-so-thinly-veiled-shot at his competitor--the World Series of Poker--WPT head honcho Steve Lipscomb said, "If you won a World Series of Poker tournament years ago with 150 people in it, how does that compare to a WPT event with 500 people in it? This will tell you."

USA Today feature on ClubWPT.com and STATS

Official press release on ClubWPT.com and STATS

ClubWPT.com website 

World Poker Tour website

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