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EPT Copenhagen: U.S. American Tim Vance Heads-Up Against Dane Soren Jensen

Hot Danish girls JBSThe final table of the EPT Copenhagen held in the city of hot Danish girls on bikes and some who wear men's underwear (like the one at right and after the jump below) got underway earlier today with U.S. American Timothy Vance of the Lou the overwhelming chipleader, stacked at 1,408,000--nearly twice as much as his nearest competitor Rasmus Hede Nielsen, who started play today with 789,000. Another U.S. American, Daniel Ryan, began in third with 557,000. The rest of the field consisted of three Danes, one Swede and a Frog.

From our sources on the ground, it's down to heads-up now with Tim Vance hanging on and finding himself with just one player, local hero Soren Jensen, standing between him and the €834,590 first place prize. If Vance wins, he will be the second U.S. American to take home an EPT title this year.

The latest news is that the heads-up play is painfully slow with check folds the norm. According to Matt over at PokerListings, there's already been 204 hands between the two.

Below is how the other final table-ers fared:

3. Magnus Hansen - Denmark
4. Rasmus Hede Nielsen - Denmark
5. Daniel Ryan - USA
6. Nicolas Dervaux -France
7. Simon Dorsland - Denmark
8. Patrik Andersson - Sweden

UPDATE: Tim Vance won.

A few more photos and a video of hot Danish girls who wear men's underwear after the jump.


JBS television commercial

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