Nebuchad Not An Anti-Semite, Can't Even Spell It
Scandi online poker player Jonas "Nebuchad" Danielsson has hit the poker forums in an effort to quell the controversy surrounding his "Jew problem" comment at the Scandinavian Poker Awards in Copenhagen, which if we forgot to tell you, is a city where super hot girls ride bikes everywhere (for back story on Nebuchad's remarks go here).
Posting over at 2p2, Nebuchad explained:
"I feel comfortable in my english when I write. Its (sic) completly (sic) different from writing on here and speaking in front of like 300 people (which included many of my idols).I laugh at mystupidself (sic) and I hope other people can laugh at me too and see it for what it was. Which was a nervous kid making a big blunder.
To clarify,
I dont have any anti-semetism (sic) in me and I apologize deeply to those people who were offended by my mistake. I hope after this that you might laugh at this stupid wierd (sic) kid that I am."
Nebuchad also explained himself during a video interview at the EPT Copenhagen with, which you can view here.
Read the 2p2 thread here.
Photo above of Bar Refaeli because she is Israeli so we assume she's Jewish and thus may be offended by Nebuchad's comments.