Poker News, Girls and A. Dikshit
:: Doctors, bankers and some guy named Taco were among the 3,200 people on 2006 WSOP final table-ist Richard Lee's bookie list. [Click here]
:: British glam model Gemma Atkinson is still famous for her really large breasts [Click here] :: Max "The Italian Pirate" Pescatori won a prelim event at the LA Poker Classic, still has the dumbest nickname in poker [Click here] :: Clothes aversed model Eve Wyrwal might be our new favorite British distraction [Click here] :: The land of A. Dikshit will host its first-ever poker tour when the inaugural India Poker Tour kicks off this August [Click here] :: Australian Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr has phenomenal legs [Click here] :: Phil Hellmuth and Annie Duke compete to see who's the better poker coach on FSN's Best Damn Poker Show. Sounds like a show we thought of 5 years ago [Click here] :: Aussie hottie Imogen Bailey is always worth the look [Click here] :: Harvard prof Charles Nesson is in London to talk about the effect US gambling ban has on global free trade [Click here] :: Finally, |
Really, what we want now, is not laws, against crime, but a law a -gainst insaity. (Mark Twain, American writer)
Posted by: Christian Louboutin | September 26, 2011 at 04:37 AM