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Recent Top Referrers (and Boobs in a WCP Tank)

Wicked Chops Poker
Taking a look at our Feedburner stats, we wanted to acknowledge our top recent referrers, besides of course google searches for chicks like Layla Kayleigh, Olga Kurylenko, Keeley Hazell and Katie Rees. And oh yeh, Brandi Hawbaker.

Here they are.

:: Parttimepoker.com (fueled by searches for some sex tape)

:: Pokerisivut.com (stop it, we can't understand what you're saying but we think it has something to do with the post below)

:: NeverWinPoker (these guys make us look like puritans)

:: 2+2 Forum (surprised they leave the forum to read other sites)

:: Tao of Poker (Tao of who? is this a new site?)

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What a interesting site, great layout webmaster...regards.



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